$35 lens turns any smartphone into a powerful microscope
Six years on from the first iMicro smartphone microscope, the team has unveiled its latest: the iMicro Q3p, a fingertip-sized, lightweight device that makes microscopy inexpensive, portable and accessible to anyone with a camera on their phone.
Creating 2001
OTOY unveiled an all new non-commercial documentary that explores the making ofA 2001: A Space Odyssey and its lasting impact in the history of space exploration, artificial intelligence, and visual effects.
Problems You will Encounter on Linux (and How to Solve Them)
It's becoming a necessity to change our OS to Linux from Windows or MacOS. Otherwise we will succumb to the use of AI Client Side Scanning which breaks things like End-to-End Encryption as well as collects our personal profile for the AI to ponder.
How to Make PCB (printed circuit board) at Home
This is instructable is about "How to make PCB at Home" without any special material.As a Electronics Engineering student, I try making DIY projects which require simple electronics circuit and making PCBs.
The Idiots Guide To Meshtastic - Long Range Comms!
This Is an idiots guide to Meshtastic, a great off grid communication system that utilises radio. Its great for keeping in touch, making long range contacts and ideal for emergency situations where there is no cell coverage .
Why more athletes are giving up on smartwatches
Measuring the number of steps you take every day; tracking your heart rate, your pace or average ascent while jogging; memorizing the total distance you cycle over the course of a year and sharing it with an online community.
Head zaps help surgeons transfer skills from VR to IRL
Researchers found that applying gentle, non-invasive electrical stimulation to the brain during virtual reality training helped budding surgeons to more easily transfer the skills they'd learned to a real-life setting
Possible Quantum Decryption Breakthrough
Researcher show that n-bit integers can be factorized by independently running a quantum circuit with orders of magnitude fewer qubits many times. It then use polynomial-time classical post-processing.
Your WiFi Can See You
When police suspected Danny Kyllo, an Oregon man, of growing cannabis in his home they drove to his house with a thermal imaging device to scan it.
What's real anymore and what's fake? You decide that.
If you think that project Blue Beam aka massive holographic fake alien invasion designed to cause the world to unite under the NWO sounds outrageous and technologically impossible, watch this holographic spectacle at Madison Square Garden.
Star-Mount Systems
We specialize in accessories for your Starlink Internet! Anything from Mounting Solutions, Mobile Power Supply Boxes, Live-Streaming Kits, and Custom Projects with your existing Starlink System!