Until these 'cops' are in prison and charged, we know Trump is NOT in total control yet…
What Sultan Erdogan Is Really Up To
Ross Ulbricht: Implications for the Future of Freedom in America
The Democrats Who Stole an Election and Imprisoned the Protesters Must Be Held Accountable
Self-balancing, omnidirectional bike with balls for wheels
$120 Raspberry Pi5 Can Run 14 Billion Parameter LLM Models … Slowly
Super Sub thrills with high speed, sharp turns and steep climbs
23 airports controlled from one locale as small airfields meet the future
Affordable housing project was 3D printed in just 12 days
This is NOT CGI or AI-generated video. It's 100% real!
Nearly two years ago, James Gerde shared a video of Hercules dancing...
In our everyday world, waves are stubbornly democratic. Whether it's the sound of a conversation, the glow of a lightbulb, or the undulations of the ocean, waves tend to flow equally in both directions. You speak, and your voice travels to your friend standing across from you — just as theirs reaches back to you.
We like it this way. But what if we needed waves to move in only one direction, free from interference, like cars on a one-way street?
That's the kind of control a team of researchers at ETH Zurich has just achieved. After years of effort, they've figured out how to direct sound waves so that they travel forward — but never backward. It's a feat that could have vast implications for future technologies, from communications systems to radar, and they've done it without weakening the sound's strength.