WHY Is America The Biggest Lumber Importer In The World? | Mike Albrecht #428 | The Way I Heard It
The Future of War with Former Navy SEAL Erik Prince
Well would you look at this ad from Craigslist
WAR WITH YEMEN! - How Israel Is Using Trump To Start Global Conflict With Iran & Russia!
3D-Printed Gun Components - Part 1, by M.B.
2 MW Nuclear Fusion Propulsion in Orbit Demo of Components in 2027
FCC Allows SpaceX Starlink Direct to Cellphone Power for 4G/5G Speeds
How Big Tech Plans To Read Your Mind
First electric seaglider finally hits the water with real passengers
Construction, Power Timeline for xAI to Reach a 3 Million GPU Supercluster
Sea sponges inspire super strong material for more durable buildings
X1 Pro laser welder as easy to use as a hot glue gun
What does "PhD-level" AI mean? OpenAI's rumored $20,000 agent plan explained.
It's often said that we're playing checkers while the powers-that-shouldn't-be are playing chess.
I disagree. I think the average delusional statist is reading comic books while the oligarchs who rule over them are writing scholarly treatises detailing their plans to take over the world.
So, let me speak today in a way Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom will be able to understand:
Take that, libtards!
Cry harder, wokesters!
Pound sand, deep staters!
That's right, in case you haven't heard, there's a NEW game in town! Out with the old guard of censors and thugs and banksters and Big Tech(nocrat) oligarchs and in with the glorious NEW guard of . . .
. . . hold on, let me check my notes . . .
. . . in with the NEW guard of censors and thugs and banksters and Big Tech(nocrat) oligarchs!
Wait, what?! I was assured by the MAGA-cheering, Q Anonsense 2.0-pushing, hopium-swilling voters out there that since Americans VOTED HARDER!™®© in the recent (s)election sideshow circus, all our problems would be solved and the world would be holding hands and singing kumbaya and dancing on the graves of the Democrats. Or something like that.
But instead we get Big Tech oligarchs mainlining our data direct from the government trough, BlackRock cutting deals to expand its power and influence even further and a whole new breed of military-industrial critters making billions off of new AI-powered tools of warfare.
What's going on here? Let's find out.
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